Sunday, March 25, 2012

'Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!'

I used to live by that sentence, it's so happy and adorable. And of course my favorite actor in the entire world, Johnny Depp, said it <3 But today it brings a massive smile to my face because today for the first time in a while I woke up wanting to say it again. There are many reasons why: I have the most amazing friends in the entire world. I have the most loving, although dysfunctional, family that could have asked for. I now have this boy in my life that has been there through everything and even though I've pushed him away countless times, he always comes back.

Let's start with my friends. Although throughout high school I really didn't know who to trust or who had my back, my girls have through for me on countless occasions. For the most part all I have to do is post something on twitter and at least 2 or 3 of them are raping my phone to see if I'm okay.My room is COVERED in pictures of me and my friends, in every funny moment possible. i love them dearly and they each know who they are <3

Now my family. For all the ways they aren't perfect, there's millions more reasons why they are my everything. We fight and argue almost daily but at the end of the day I love crawling into my bed knowing each of them is safely in our house happy, healthy,and alive. I thank them for pretty much everything I've ever been through. My mom is one of my best friends, she may have her bad days but when were good we are exceptional. My dad is the strongest person I know and even though he works pretty much all the time i can always count on him. And my brothers... even though they are creations of Satan I love them. Adam is seriously one of the funniest guys I've ever known he has me crying with laughter every time we talk. And Tyler even though the age difference makes it hard for us to be close, we can always count on each other. I mean come on the kid took me on a date, cute much? <3

And now the boy. Josh. We've known each other for over a year now, and he's the boy that pretty much saved my life, along with Joana and my mom, when Ryan shattered my life. he made me feel pretty and gave me reason to start trying with my life again and start being me. And although I broke his heart countless times to go back to Ryan. He never let go. Ever. He's the only boy that has ever cared that long, most guys don't give me a second thought and I've always been Josh's everything. regardless to say, I'm giving him the chance he always deserved <3

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